Michael Cooney Entertainer History Pictures Recordings Reviews Biography What Is Folk Music A Case Against Fame Concert Tips, etc. TFL - Hints, Tips, etc. Recommendations Whine and Cheeeeze Politics Religion

Michael Cooney


PO Box 278

Friendship, ME 04547 USA





2021-02-15 - I’m TRYING to re-learn how to do this website stuff. I tried once, a few years ago but gave up. Now I have a new web-designing program and it's even MORE complicated than the old one (which no longer runs properly on Windows 10). There's so much out-of-date code in these pages that it's best to start over and build a completely new site. Meanwhile, I'll leave this one up. Stay tuned.


For most of my life I was a Meandering Wastrel but am now completely retired. I intend to put a lot of stuff on this site including recordings for you to download (free). Also some thoughts and ideas on Folk Music and The Business, etc. And, at the urging of several old friends, some stories from my earlier daze.


I still have recordings for sale but the PayPal buttons have been removed for now so email me:  mc {at} michaelcooney.com  and I’ll send you a list. (I don’t put my actual email address because “harvesting” programs will pick it up and send me zillions of SPAM. You’re a smart person; you can figure out my address.)


Eventually there will also be good stuff from The Friendship Letter, a newsletter I published (from here in Friendship, Maine) for several years. It featured hints and tips and information of all kinds; some I found, some readers sent in. Plenty of opinions, too.  More soon.


May The Farce be with you,


Michael Cooney